Friday, September 30, 2011

My September

So, what's new with you in September? Did your summer end well? Getting into the
swing of the fall routine?

Here's what is going on with me since September 1st:

  • We have a new house and are continuing with the Neverending Move.
  • It took about 36 hours before we had our fridge, washer, and dryer hooked up and working again.
  • We still have the old house and have done a lot of paint touch-ups, cleaning days, and still have some repair work to be done. And more moving. (We have a lot of junk, apparently). For the record: no we don't have a buyer yet. Lots of interest. No offers. I am sooo ready to be done making two mortgage payments.
  • I am now the troop leader for my daughter's brownie troop, and feeling horrendously unprepared to lead 11 7- and 8-year-olds to anything. I am, apparently, the only one who even half-way volunteered. The first meeting was the day after the Big Move Day (ya know, back when we were still camping with no laundry or refrigeration).
  • We had a death in the family (my husband's grandmother) and both kids were out of school for two days while we traveled.
  • My oldest child had surgery (tonsillectomy) and was out of school for a week.
  • I am the team-lead for a big project at work where 1/2 of my team (i.e. the other guy) spent 3 weeks out after being hit by a truck (literally). He is fine(thankfully). Our project is running way behind and we're working overtime to get it done by deadline. Note my expected schedule is 32 hours a week, not 40+ spread over 7 days.
  • We lived for 3.5 weeks with no cable or internet service at home, making it nearly impossible to send or receive email that involved more than a few touch-pad "texted" words with the phone. Apparently, I send and receive a LOT of email that involves attachments.
  • I sold my first novel.

Yes, that's my exciting news.

I sold a book!

I actually got the offer email on September 1st, Big Move Day. But I was so stressed by the move that it barely registered. The lovely editor at my publisher was so incredibly patient with me as I sent several emails saying "I'm getting to it..I am moving and don't have internet".

I was so afraid that they would change their mind and yet they didn't. Through odd-hour trips to Panera and a limited-use phone app that lets me use my phone as a network card for my netbook, I managed to get contracts filled out and signed, and am working on an art fact sheet and author bio and the beginnings of a marketing plan and...

It was just this week where I was able to take a breath and start feeling excited. Overwhelmed, but excited.

The publisher is a digital-first (which I am thrilled about...being a software gal and all, it feels right to me to be doing this with the latest technology). The story I sold is a sexy contemporary romance featuring Claire and Helmut, snippets of which have featured here on this blog. I will post some more specifics soon, with links and announcements, and probably a pointer to my official writing website.

September is nearly over, and I sincerely hope my October is a little bit less eventful.


Shawntelle Madison said...

Congrat Kristi! I'm proud of you!

Bethany said...

Woo Hoo! Let me know when it's out and I will buy it immediately! I knew you'd get a book published someday, it was only a matter of time, but I know how frustrating it is get all of those rejection letters. You're a great writer, and I look forward to reading your book on my Kindle (it will be available on Kindle right?).

BriteLady said...

Yep, Bet, it should be available on Kindle, Nook, etc. I don't have specifics or a firm release date. Early Winter I believe. Will post more as I know more (and as I actually accomplish more of the prep work)!

BriteLady said...

Thanks Shawntelle. Couldn't do it without nagging, ahem help, from ya'll :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kristi!!!
Best wishes with the book and your new home!