Friday, March 25, 2011


Today's the day. Are you nervous? I totally am.

I don't think I have much chance of getting the call. I'd love to, but all the various contest feedback on my entry was so mixed last year, that I'm not holding my breath. (And trying hard not to hyperventilate either).

I do, however, have high hopes for a couple of dear friends and crit partners. Two of them are out of town or I'd suggest a little Happy Hour tonight to drown our cheers & sorrows.

Silly, silly Kristi. I tell myself that I'm not worried, or interested, and that I'll just wait till 2 and scan the final list looking for names I know. But all morning long I've had my cell phone in my hand or in my pocket.

See, this is why I've mostly sworn off contests for the year. Here I am on spring break with the kids, and I haven't managed to write two words all week. I did a little bit of querying, but that's like scouring an open would with rubbing alcohol and salt. The waiting is a total motivation killer, and the letdown afterwards is almost worse.

I'd love to settle my nerves with chocolate, but I gave it up for Lent. Or wine, but it's not even 9AM and I have two small children in the house. I'd go for a brisk walk, but it's snowing outside. (Yes, snow. Giant softball sized hunks falling from the sky. In late March. Grr). Maybe I should go bake something.  And have a cup of tea. I think I have a box of Tazo Calm around here somewhere...

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