Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More Books, and experiments in blogland

For your reading pleasure, two posts in one.

First off, two more books to move to my ABR (Already Been Read) pile from my TBR pile:

Deep Breath
by Alison Kent. I didn't discover Alison Kent until a couple of years ago when I started hunting down writers' blogs. I won a copy of one of her SG-5 (At Risk) books on her blog, and was quickly hooked, despite the fact that neither contemporary romances nor romantic suspense were at the top of my favorite genres at the time. I think I've read 4 or 5 of the books in the series so far.  Deep Breath brings yet another of her hunky spy guys, and was just as good as all the rest. I am beginning to worry that I'm going to run out of hot spy heroes soon...

Make Mine Midnight by Annmarie McKenna. This one is an erotica (M/M/F) novella by one of the talented writers I met through MORWA. I am somewhat embarassed to admit that its the first of her's I've read so far, and I can see why so many people rave about her writing.


On a completely different note, I've been experimenting with writing things in addition to romance. For years I've maintained a blog about myself as a working mom where I jabber about cooking and housekeeping and work and school and my kids. I've recently added another blog just for the cooking. It's called Year of the Pancake in honor of the hundreds of pancakes I make every year. I'm using that space to document my recipes and adventures in the kitchen.

On that blog, I'm also playing with adding some basic paid ads (going super-basic with Google Adsense and Amazon). I'm not exactly expecting to get rich (I wonder if I'll make enough for an extra mocha by the end of the year). But the cooking blog provides a nice contained little space for me to play around with different options. If you're interested at all in cooking and baking, feel free to wander over, say hi, maybe leave a comment. :)


Unknown said...

I love to bake! What's your new blog's addy? (I didn't see it here.) I'd love to stop by and see what you're cooking. :)

BriteLady said...

Strange blog template.

Its The words "year of the pancake" above are really a link, but they're a super-double secret link because you can't tell the text is clickable unless you click on it :)

Unknown said...

Got it!

Unknown said...

Krisit - loved your Year of the Pancake blog! I tried to leave a comment but for some reason whenever I try to comment on blogs set up like that one, I can't. You've got some yummy recipes there and I'll keep checking back. Happy cooking!

BriteLady said...

Excellent Robin :) I was fiddling with the settings late last night, so I don't know if I made it better or worse. Maybe I should compare those settings to this one, since this one seems to work better.

There are some blogs that I can't comment on from certain computers either. I think it's one of the Harlequin writer ones where I can only make it work from Internet Explorer (I usually run Firefox).