Quit apologizing in your blogs for being "late".
I don't care if you have a set schedule. I don't care if you're in a lineup with 30 NYT bestsellers and you're the newbie and you feel you owe 150% of your debut release success to the group blog and Holy Smokes you forgot to post your latest witty-little-slice-of-a-writers-life for FOUR WHOLE HOURS!
Don't tell me about it. No excuses. Just blog like there's nothing amiss.
I read a lot of blogs. If I leave Google Reader unattended for an entire weekend, my unread pile grows to over 400 posts. That's a LOT of posts. Honestly, I have no flipping clue whose day it is to post or by what time (and timezone) you've all agreed to post your Call Story/Recipe/Editor Interview. And besides, the beauty of blog posts and RSS and reader apps is that I, the reader, see your content on MY schedule. I don't sit around my inbox waiting for the magic "ding". I'm not tuning in on the TV at the time printed in the Sunday paper.
I guess I'm annoyed because I must have read a dozen posts this week alone that started out with "I apologize for being late to blog but...". If you're feeling ashamed of your tardiness, send a private email to your fellow blog partners asking for their forgiveness. But I am willing to bet a soda (the kind that comes in a can, shipping not included) that 99% of your loyal blog readers won't bat an eye. The other 1% are probably scary stalker-types who will have a detailed log of every euphemism for the male genetalia you've ever written in a love scene and clippings of your fingernails, and really, do you want to enable that sort of obsessive behavior?
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