Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Books: In Too Deep

Ok, so I thought I would be reading books from my TBR pile (which is more of a tower than a pile, and a leaning tower at that). Except last Friday my youngest begged to go to the library. I cannot turn down a 3-year old with big blue eyes and a fondness for books.

That same 3-year old with the baby blues did not spend the entire time running in circles and pulling random books off of random shelves. I was able to mostly contain him to the children's section. This time.

And the children's section is right next to the large shelf full of new releases. And there, staring straight at me from the new releases was Jayne Krentz's other newest book.

So, I read another one. In print (sorry little Sony). But it was free this time. Well, technically I spend a lot on late fees (especially for kids books that get mixed up in the wrong shelf at home....)

In Too Deep is a contemporary in her multi-pen-name, multi-time-line, multi-planet Arcane series of novels. This one is Fallon's story, the eternally grumpy head of J&J. Like all of Krentz/Castle/Quick's other Arcane books, this one is half paranormal mystery half romance. I liked it quite a bit better than Midnight Crystal. I think that her characters, especially the hero, Fallon, were better developed in this one. And Fallon has appeared in several of the previous Krentz Arcane novels, either on the page or by cell phone. And he is a dark, brooding type of hero. My favorite type :)

Whatever the reason, this book had all of the usual Krentz/Quick/Castle magic.  I was incredibly happy that my kids actually played quietly today without direct parental supervision, and on day 2 of the great non-blizzard-of-2011-whose-paltry-3-inches-of-snow-still-left-us-housebound.  I could barely put it down.

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