Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why am I here?

I have no business posting. I should be in bed, so I'll be refreshed and rejuvenated and coherent for an 8am meeting at work. Instead, I managed to order my skim sugar-free vanilla latte* caffeinated. Doh. Great crit group meeting though.

I got to read the Golden Heart-finaling entry of one of our group members (and give feedback on the next chapter following her uber-polished entry). And I'll be surprised if she doesn't have dozens of requests if not contracts on it...beautiful!

The group read the next few pages of my contemporary category, and gave me plenty to think about. I'm still feeling good about that one. I'm sure I have plenty plenty plenty to work on, but its fun.

The bad thing about caffeine is that it really doesn't wake me up. It makes me jittery and antsy. But I can feel jittery and antsy and exhausted, but still not fall asleep.

*Lent ends Saturday evening. Chocolate bunnies beware.

1 comment:

Robin Bielman said...

Enjoy those chocolate bunnies this weekend!