Monday, November 24, 2008

Seeing Stars

My current work in progress is fun. And exhausting. It's a paranormal romance. A sci-fi paranormal. Yep, funky alien sex. Well, eventually. The characters aren't quite there yet :)

So far, though, there's been plenty of action of the suspenseful kind. And, of course, one kiss. I'm not sure you could claim to write a romance, and make it over 1/3 of the way without that first kiss. Maybe in an inspirational christian?

Anyway, I've written so much action over the past week, that now my characters are able to take a breather. And I'm getting a little stalled out on the plot. Not really, because I know a couple more big events that have to happen. I'm just not sure how to get there from here. Yet.

It's funny, I've always claimed that I can't just write sequentially, and yet, I'm 35,000 words in, all sequential. I think that's my problem. Tonight, I'm going to have to write myself a note ("They talk, more flirting, yada yada"), and then jump into the next big plot point so that I can keep moving.

I'm not horribly far off of the NaNo pace of about 1700 words a day. But I'm behind by one or two days. So, in order to claim a new icon for my sidebar, I'm going to have to double up one or two days this week. Or go with a lot less sleep one of these nights. Hopefully, I can squeeze a little extra writing time in around pie-making and turkey brining (seriously, you should try it...makes a very juicy turkey...but I guess that's a post for my other blog).

Oh yeah, and my book still has no title. My working file is even named "unnamed alien paranormal.doc". Will have to work on that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Kristi! I know you can do it! And the story sounds great!