Saturday, May 22, 2010

Contests, Contests, Contests

I'm all about the contests lately.

In case you haven't noticed my "work in progress" bars on the left side of this blog,

<========== Over there

I have a new entry, currently titled "Unbreakable" for lack of a better name. This one is a fantasy romance, as in dragons and magic and curses and the-world-might-end-if-the-romance-fizzles. Fun, fun, fun.

Don't worry, I'm still loving contemporaries, and the secondary characters from my Sci Fi Romance keep pestering me about *their* books.

My local RWA chapter hosts an in-chapter, 1st page contest every year called the Chocolate Rose. The winners get chocolate and roses, duh. Our published authors judge the first page submissions from unpublished writers.

I wrote the first page of Unbreakable specifically for the contest, and it won Second Place out of (I think) twenty or thirty entries.

No, that wasn't First Place, but I'm still proud. Doubly proud because I submitted it without a single word of feedback from my trusty critique partners. So I got a little recognition all by myself. And I'm feeling a little smug. Actually, most of the reason my crit partners didn't see it first was because two of them were judges in the contest, and I didn't want any bias for or against it.

Now I will probably have to start sharing my new baby, and let them help me improve it. I am cautiously optimistic that I could finish most of the first draft of this one by the end of the year. Wish me luck!


Robin Bielman said...

Good luck! And congratulations!

Amanda said...

Yay! The things we take in from each other shows in each of our works as we grow as writers, and you and I have definitely grown a lot in the time we've been writing (out in the open :) ).

Your writing is amazing now and don't ever let anyone tell you you can't write in multiple genres, because you bring something special to every book you write.