Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun with the internet

You know I'm writing a sci fi/paranormal romance, right? Space aliens. So, when you think research, you probably picture the cosmos, energy theories, space travel, etc, right?

So what did I spend nearly 30 minutes researching yesterday?

What the inside of a semi cab looks like. Yes, as in those giant trucks on the highway. Big rigs. Specifically what the backseat/bunk are might have for size and amenities.

It was surprisingly difficult to word a query that would produce photos of the inside of one of those. I did find some, though, including many shots of the rear bunk (bed) part, and one that had a built-in fridge, closet, flat screen tv/computer monitor, etc. How very luxurious! (If I get around to it, I might post a link in the comments later)

So now that you know about my Thursday afternoon research, you're thinking "romance novel" + "bed", right? You know exactly where this is going....

..2 truckers, a nurse, a former pilot, and two space aliens driving a semi through the Ozarks, clearly. What else could it be?

Oh yeah, and I have a working title. Leap. It'll probably change again, but at least now I have a way to tie all my (copious) posts together :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Happy writing!