I think this happens every week. Wednesday rolls around and I realize that 1) I haven't written anything in several days and 2) The last time I did write, I didn't update my progress. Well, it's Wednesday, I haven't written anything since Friday night, and didn't update my progress. And I'm at work (slacking, obviously) so I don't know what my progress is. I find most of my writing time lately on Thursdays and Fridays. This week will be the same.
I had a personal goal of finishing Chivalrous by the end of June. But, I'm not there. I'm getting closer--that word count on the left doesn't include scenes/chapters that just need editing. Those alone would bump that word count to at least 60k, if not more (hopefully more). Assuming I don't re-write any of them. That's why they're not included in the wordcount yet. I'm not taking as much time for it, and I probably should. Except for my dedicated-out-of-the-house writing excursions, I'm not making the time. I'm doing laundry, or dishes, or reading (darn you Robin Hobb...).
This reminds me of the sweater I crocheted for my daughter a couple of years ago. I was gung-ho at the beginning. I'd never made an entire garment out of yarn before. It was great. It was spectacular. It was exciting. Halfway through it got repetitive. Then I fantasized about other projects--afghans, scarves, a sweater that was entirely knitted. Finally I finished the darned thing. It was cute, if I do say so myself. Maybe someone will call my book "cute" too :)
So, new writing goal. I will hit 60,000 words on Chivalrous by June 30th, or you may ridicule me at your leisure on my blog and I will not delete your comments. Then, I will finish my draft by July 31st. No promises on future edits, but the book will be draft-complete and I will be able to start something new and NOT FEEL GUILTY!
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