Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Dance

I did it. My novel is not finished, but I hit the goal post that I was aiming for. It's funny, but one of the key scenes in the novel is not yet written. In order to finish my word count and just get finished for the night in general, I summed it up in a couple of sentances. Something like: They drove around. They kissed. Yada yada.

BTW, NaNo's word count does not match Word's. So I had to add a few extra sentances as I was submitting my entry.

And I could not for the life of me find a working WiFi signal at the hospital. So, once again, I left my husband with no laptop to play games on while I came home early to sleep in a big comfy bed. Such is life.

Now the plan for next month: only write during naptime and after bedtime half of the time. The other half I really really really must do some exercise!


Amanda said...

Congrats! It's an awesome to meet the goal.

Sarahlynn said...

Congrats to both of you!

My word count went the other way: NaNo always had at least 100 words more than MS Word. Odd.

To celebrate the end of November/NaNo, Paul and I went to Houlihans for mushroom caps and the three mini-martini flight. This was all for me, really; Paul doesn't like mushrooms or martinis. But he's a good sport.

And then I went to bed at 9:30, the earliest I might have gone to bed, like, ever. Since middle school or something.